Τρίτη, Μαΐου 23, 2006

The moon + The nose

"The moon is made by some lame cooper, and you can see the idiot has no idea about moons at all. He put in a creosoted rope and some wood oil;and this has led to such a terrible stink all over the earth that you have to hold your nose. Another reason the moon is such a tender globe is that people just cannot live on it any more, and all that's left alive there are noses.This is also why we cannot see our own noses - they're all on the moon."(from Diary of a Madman)


Anonymous Ανώνυμος said...

Αν και εγώ μπορώ να βλέπω τη μύτη μου. Λογικό: είμαι καλικάντζαρος

1:09 μ.μ.  
Anonymous Ανώνυμος said...

On the other hand, the Moon could be a vengeful bald bitch with an artificial, magical hand. But then again, don't mind me, I've got issues (both with the Moon and in general)...

5:24 μ.μ.  

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